365 Fitness Trainer - Melissa Gause (Mel G)

More about me...
Melissa Gause (Mel G)

Melissa Gause (Mel G)

Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer
I am a figure bodybuilder competitor that is currently on the road to become pro!

More about Mel

Hey y’all!! my name is Melissa Gause (Mel G), one of your trainers at 365 Fitness, Conway. I am a figure bodybuilder competitor that is currently on the road to become pro! Former Cross-Fitter & Rugby player with 8+ years of experience.
I’m so excited about this! I am here for y’all and for your body goals; inside & out. Think of me as your physical architect, your body going under construction. I’m with you every step of the way even when you are out of sight. Contact me anytime!